
Dominique Poirel

Les statuts de l'image chez Hugues de Saint-Victor

The Statutes of the Image at Hugh of Saint Victor

» CHORA 3-4/2005-2006, pp. 117-137
This article establishes the three main reasons for considering Hugo of Saint-Victor΄s thinking as an important heritage on the image matter. Therefore, the research is articulated in two main parts concerning the image functions and the interpretation of the image. Even if at the first glance the image doesn't seem to be an important concept for Hugo, nevertheless there is a strong reflection on this concept as it results by the analysis of the sacramental theory.
Language: French
» CHORA > Sumare > CHORA 3-4/2005-2006 > Dominique Poirel — Les statuts de l'image chez Hugues de Saint-Victor
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