Adriano Oliva
La Somme de théologie de Thomas d'Aquin. Introduction historique et littéraire
The Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas. Historical and Literary Introduction
» CHORA 7-8/2009-2010, pp. 217-253After a brief biography of Thomas Aquinas, the article follows up the work of Leonard Boyle to show how the Summa serves to meet the requirements of a pedagogical project in the Dominican Order and more generally in the medieval Church. Intended for the initial and continuing formation of Dominican friars and students of conventual schools, the Summa is composed in a literary genre perfectly suited to this purpose, which governs its structure. The detailed presentation of the notion of sacra doctrina elaborated in q. 1 provides the occasion to show how this notion itself determines the organization of the material. Finally, the presentation of the contents of the Summa’s three parts brings out the internal organization of the work and stimulates the reading of it.
Language: French