
Gérard Sondag

Jean de Damas et Jean Duns Scot sur l'infinité de l'essence divine

John Damascene and John Duns Scotus on the Infinity of the Divine Essence

» CHORA 3-4/2005-2006, pp. 285-325
The article provides a comparative research of St. John Damascene and John Duns Scotus on the problem of the infinity of the divine essence. The thesis of the study is to prove that for conceiving the infinity as a manner, not as an attribute, Duns Scotus uses the syntagma pelagus substantiae infinitum et indeterminatum of St. John Damascene.
Language: French
» CHORA > Sommaires > CHORA 3-4/2005-2006 > Gérard Sondag — Jean de Damas et Jean Duns Scot sur l'infinité de l'essence divine
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